The average house price on GRANGE END is £438,939
The most expensive house in the street is 18 GRANGE END with an estimated value of £492,194
The cheapest house in the street is 7 GRANGE END with an estimated value of £396,058
The house which was most recently sold was 11 GRANGE END, this sold on 9 May 2023 for £380,000
The postcode for GRANGE END is BA3 4XA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 GRANGE END Detached £449,194 £260,000 29 Nov 2010
6 GRANGE END Detached £440,289 £329,950 21 Oct 2016
7 GRANGE END Detached £396,058 £395,000 27 Jan 2023
9 GRANGE END Detached £416,963 £410,000 29 Mar 2023
11 GRANGE END Detached £380,000 9 May 2023
18 GRANGE END Detached £492,194 £395,000 31 Aug 2018